Senator Relph, colleagues approve tax and economic relief package

On Thursday, the Minnesota Senate passed legislation that brings tax and economic relief to Minnesotans. Senate File 3843, the Coronavirus Economic Recovery Act, emphasizes three elements that will benefit impacted businesses and their workers: liquidity to…
Senator Roger Chamberlain

Senate approves Chamberlain bill to prohibit most TCE use

The Minnesota Senate today took a significant step in the state’s effort to curb the use of trichloroethylene (TCE), a toxic and dangerous chemical some companies use during their manufacturing processes. By an overwhelming bipartisan vote…
Senator Mary Kiffmeyer

Senator Kiffmeyer’s Legislative Update

Friends and Neighbors, We hit the ground running again this week. We met on the Senate floor Monday to pass a few important bills. Two of mine were on the docket and I worked on…
senator mike goggin

Senator Goggin, Rural Legislators ask Trump to take action

Earlier this week, Senator Mike Goggin (R-Red Wing) and several other legislators sent a letter to President Trump highlighting the crisis the pork industry is experiencing. As multiple pork processing plants have closed, many farmers…
Senator Andrew Lang

Minnesota Senate passes increase to reimbursement for ambulance workers

Legislation that increases the reimbursement for emergency services workers passed the Minnesota Senate on Monday. The legislation, Senate File 3159, passed unanimously. “Finding EMTs, paramedics, and other health care workers to provide ambulance transfers is becoming…