Senator Abeler Legislative Update

3/31/20 Dear Neighbors and Friends, On Thursday April 2, 2020 Sen. John Hoffman and I will be hosting a tele-townhall to discuss the impact COVID-19 has had on Minnesota’s disability services. Our discussion will begin…
Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus

Coronavirus-Related Resources

As we all adjust to the stay-at-home order  through April 10, it’s important to have all the resources possible to make our lives easier. The team at the MN Senate assembled some critical information, helpful…

Senator Kiffmeyer Legislative Update

Friends and Neighbors, Everything seems to be in flux right now. Schools, jobs, day-to-day life – it’s all changing. I have received questions from many of you and I appreciate you reaching out because it…
Senator Mike Goggin

Senator Goggin’s Legislative Update

Friends and Neighbors, As we continue to navigate these trying times together, I wanted to be sure to provide you with up-to-date information for our students, parents and teachers. Please do not hesitate to reach…

Senator Abeler’s Legislative Update

Dear Neighbors and Friends, As we find ourselves in these trying times, I am writing to update you on the recent developments in response to the Coronavirus from the Capitol. If you need any assistance…

Senator Utke Legislative Update

Greetings, Senate District 2! This week I’m writing to you with plenty of COVID-19 updates and information. Since Tuesday, Governor Walz has issued three additional Executive Orders, most notably, the Stay at Home order that…

Senator Anderson’s Legislative Update

Dear Friends, Issues surrounding the COVID-19 global pandemic remain foremost in the minds of lawmakers. The Legislature continues to operate by alternative means but stands ready to assist with the State’s response to the outbreak.…
Senator Bruce Anderson

Senator Anderson Legislative Update

March 27, 2020 Friends and Neighbors, As I am sure you have heard often over the past few weeks – these are unprecedented times. Governor Walz issued an Executive Order on March 26, 2020 that…
Senator Julie Rosen

Senator Rosen update: The latest news on COVID-19

Friends and neighbors, By now you have certainly read about Gov. Walz’s executive order asking Minnesotans to stay at home as much as possible for the next two weeks as part of the effort to…

Senator Ruud Update from St. Paul

Greetings District 10! Here’s the latest update from St. Paul. Please continue to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have and I will work to get answers to you as…
Sen. Carrie Ruud

Senator Ruud supports COVID-19 response fund for Minnesotans

The bill establishes a dedicated COVID response fund, includes funding for state agencies, childcare, college students, small businesses. (ST. PAUL, MN) – Senate Republicans passed a third COVID-19 response bill yesterday, allocating an additional $331…
Senator Bruce Anderson

Senator Anderson supports COVID-19 response fund for Minnesotans

The bill establishes a dedicated COVID response fund, includes funding for state agencies, childcare, college students, small businesses. (ST. PAUL, MN) – Senate Republicans passed a third COVID-19 response bill yesterday, allocating an additional $331…