Eichorn: SRO repair is done!

Friends, On Thursday, I voted to repair the damage done by the misguided school resource officer law Democrats passed last year. In 2023, the Democrat majority rammed through a law that prevented SROs from doing…

Gruenhagen: Religious freedom under direct attack in MN

Friends and neighbors, Religious organizations in Minnesota have long had the right to hire individuals who follow the beliefs and teachings of their faith. That right came under attack by Democrats in the House of…

An Update on the Direction of Session

We are one month into session and though the start was a little slow, a number of bad issues have continued to pop up every week. Many of the worst ideas are moving in the…

SRO Bill supported by law enforcement passes with bipartisan support

Continuing the theme of “repairing” last year’s legislation, the Minnesota Senate today passed a bill to provide clarity on the expectations for School Resource Officers (SROs) and how they operate in schools. This bill comes in response to nearly…

SRO “fix” passes with bipartisan support

Continuing the theme of “repairing” last year’s legislation, the Minnesota Senate today passed a bill to provide clarity on the expectations for School Resource Officers (SROs) and how they operate in schools. This bill comes in…

Lieske: Reuniting stray animals with their owners

By: SENATOR BILL LIESKE This week I want to highlight an example of a wrecked law that emerged from 2023. When Senate Republicans talk about Repairing Minnesota, this is what we mean. It is not…