Senator Draheim: Forecast Emphasizes Positive Impact of Tax Relief

The Office of Management and Budget (MMB) released its February revenue forecast earlier today, providing an updated outlook for Minnesota’s financial future. According to the report, the state has a $1.513 billion surplus for the remainder of…

Senator Koran looks forward to Folsom House renovation

(St. Paul, MN) Senator Mark Koran (R-North Branch) recently met with representatives from the Folsom House in Taylor’s Falls, MN to discuss the preservation of this historic landmark. The pre-planning is now complete and the…

Senator Kiffmeyer addresses school bus safety

Yesterday, the Minnesota Senate Transportation Finance and Policy Committee held a hearing regarding school bus safety and the dangers of not stopping for school bus stop signs. Senator Rich Draheim (R-Madison Lake) presented a bipartisan…

Senator Anderson addresses school bus safety

(St. Paul, MN) Yesterday, the Minnesota Senate Transportation Finance and Policy Committee held a hearing regarding school bus safety and the dangers of not stopping for school bus stop signs. Senator Rich Draheim (R-Madison Lake)…

Senator Dan Hall Prioritizes School Bus Safety

Today, the Minnesota Senate Transportation Finance and Policy Committee held a hearing regarding school bus safety and the dangers of not stopping for school bus stop signs. The committee heard a bipartisan bill that would increase…

Senator Anderson, Senate Republicans Discuss School Bus Safety

Today, the Minnesota Senate Transportation Finance and Policy Committee held a hearing regarding school bus safety and the dangers of not stopping for school bus stop signs. Senator Rich Draheim (R-Madison Lake) presented a bipartisan…
Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen (R-Alexandria)

Senator Ingebrigtsen Issues Statement on Devastating Alexandria Fire

A fire decimated several historic buildings in Alexandria Tuesday, forcing evacuations and destroying businesses and apartments. About two dozen residents are displaced, and several small businesses and historic buildings have been demolished. Six fire departments…

Senator Goggin, Senate Republicans Discuss School Bus Safety

(St. Paul, MN) Today, the Minnesota Senate Transportation Finance and Policy Committee held a hearing regarding school bus safety and the dangers of not stopping for school bus stop signs. Senator Rich Draheim (R-Madison Lake)…

Senator Kiffmeyer announces Town Hall listening sessions

Senator Mary Kiffmeyer (R-Big Lake) and Representative Eric Lucero (R-Dayton) will host four town hall listening sessions on Saturday, February 29th. The lawmakers will answer questions and discuss key issues that may be debated during the 2020…