Senator Michelle Benson

Senator Benson, Senate Republicans unveil budget surplus plan

St. Paul) – Senate Republicans today announced a multifaceted plan to return Minnesota’s budget surplus to taxpayers. The Senate Republican tax plan emphasizes putting money back in the pockets of families and individuals, particularly middle-income…
Senator Bruce Anderson

Senator Anderson Legislative Update

Friends and Neighbors, Session is in full swing this week. Committees are meeting, constituents are here, and we are getting to work on our vision for this session. One of the most important things we…
Senator Mike Goggin

Senator Goggin, Senate Republicans unveil tax plan

(St. Paul) – Senate Republicans today announced a multifaceted plan to return Minnesota’s budget surplus to taxpayers. The Senate Republican tax plan emphasizes putting money back in the pockets of families and individuals, particularly middle-income and…

Senator Nelson champions tax relief plan for working Minnesotans

Senate leaders on Thursday announced a multifaceted plan to provide significant tax relief to Minnesota’s workers. The plan emphasizes putting money back in the pockets of families and individuals, particularly middle-income and low-income earners, as…

Senate tax cut plan gives surplus back to taxpayers

Today, the Minnesota Senate Republican majority announced a tax cut plan that ultimately returns the state’s estimated $1.3 billion budget surplus back to taxpayers. The multifaceted plan includes a series of tax cuts aimed at…
Senator John Jasinski

Jasinski: Get your billion back, Minnesota!

Senate Republicans unveil plan to give budget surplus back to taxpayers Senate Republicans today announced a multifaceted plan to return Minnesota’s budget surplus to taxpayers. The Senate Republican tax plan emphasizes putting money back in…

Senate tax cut plan gives surplus back to taxpayers

Today, the Minnesota Senate Republican majority announced a tax cut plan that ultimately returns the state’s estimated $1.3 billion budget surplus back to taxpayers. The multifaceted plan includes a series of tax cuts aimed at…