Sen. Paul Utke

Senator Utke’s DHS Update

I was at the capitol this week to participate in a joint hearing of the Senate’s Health and Human Services committees investigating the ongoing turmoil occurring in the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Unfortunately, during…

Sen. Miller: Taiwan trade mission a success!

Greetings from the district,Recently I had the privilege of leading a multi-state, bipartisan legislative delegation to Taiwan. The trip was sponsored and paid for by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan). The…
Senator Warren Limmer - APPROVED

Senator Limmer responds to calls for gun reform hearings

Senator Latz: Thank you for your letter asking for interim hearings on legislation regarding red flag laws and expanded background checks for purchasing firearms. We too are moved by the recent tragic events in El…
Senator John Jasinski

Jasinski: New laws effective August 1

New laws effective August 1 By: Sen. John Jasinski By now you have probably heard that my slowpoke bill, which requires slow drivers to move out of the left lane if they are holding up…

Senator Kiffmeyer Legislative Update: August 2nd

Friends and Neighbors, August 1, several new laws go into effect. The most notable change is the update to distracted driving laws. It is clear folks are taking action as Walmart employees said they are…
senator michelle benson

Sen. Benson on DHS overpayments

Chair of the Senate Health and Human Service Committee Senator Michelle Benson (R-Ham Lake) released the following statement regarding the reports that Department of Human Services has overpaid Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and the White Earth…
Senator Mike Goggin

Senator Goggin Update: August 1

Friends and Neighbors, Summer is already flying by and it has been a great one! I am proud of all we accomplished last session and as the summer progresses, we are already gearing up for…
Senator Bruce Anderson

Senator Anderson legislative update: August 1

Friends and Neighbors, The Wright County fair was better than ever this year! Great food and conversation made it a wonderful weekend. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello! Please read this…

Senator Kiffmeyer appointed to Vehicle Registration Task Force

Senator Mary Kiffmeyer (R-Big Lake) has been appointed to the Vehicle Registration Task Force. Earlier this year, the Transportation committee included funding for the task force in their omnibus bill. Created to study methods of vehicle registration,…
Sen. Paul Utke

Sen. Utke: Several New Laws Effective August 1

New laws effective August 1, 2019 As a result of bills passed and signed into law during the most recent legislative session, the following is a selection of new laws that will go into effect…