Sen. Carla Nelson introduces ‘Snow Day Relief Act’

Legislation allows Minnesota school districts to avoid financial penalties and encourages e-learning days Senator Carla Nelson (R-Rochester) introduced legislation to allow local Minnesota school boards, by board resolution, to count snow days taken during the…
Sen. Justin Eichorn

Senator Justin Eichorn protects parental rights and religious freedom

Families from across Minnesota gathered at the capitol Monday to stand against government overreach regarding vaccinations. The proposed legislation, SF 1520, would eliminate conscientious belief exemptions for vaccines for all children attending daycares, public or…
Senator Dave Senjem

Sen. Senjem: It’s Not “No” on Bonding, Just “Not Yet”

Statement of Senator David Senjem (R-Rochester) on Governor Tim Walz’s $1.27 billion bonding request: “Since 2017, Republicans worked with Governor Dayton to successfully pass two large bonding bills and made critical investments totaling $1.8 billion…
Senator Bruce Anderson

Sen. Bruce Anderson: Free Legal Clinic for Veterans

Friends and neighbors, Just wanted to make you aware that the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) is hosting a free legal clinic for Veterans Tuesday, March 12, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at…