Senator Karin Housley

Senator Housley co-authors cannabis task force legislation

A bill has been introduced in the Minnesota Senate to create a task force to study the potential effects of legal cannabis in Minnesota. The bipartisan legislation, Senate File 2806, is intended to inform the legislature…

Sen. Paul Anderson Legislative Update: 4/5/19

Senator Paul Anderson’s newsletter links: Twitter: Facebook: Newsletter sign-up: State of the State: Capitol Tour information: SF 751: SF 788: SF 1783: SF 2449: SF 2475:…

Sen. Jensen, MN Senate pass health care reform bills

Authored by Sen. Jensen, bills fulfill promises to increase transparency, access, and affordability Senator Scott Jensen (R-Chaska) joined his Senate colleagues in overwhelmingly passing a series of bipartisan bills that fulfill Republican Senate promises to reform…

Sen. Draheim, MN Senate pass health care reform bills

Authored by Sen. Draheim, proposals increase transparency, access, and affordability Senator Rich Draheim (R-Madison Lake) joined his Senate colleagues in overwhelmingly passing a series of bipartisan bills that reform health care through increased price transparency, access,…
Patients First: Lowering the cost of health care

Senate Republicans pass health care reform legislation

Senate Republicans passed a series of bipartisan bills that fulfill their promises to reform health care through increased transparency, access, and affordability. The reform bills were passed with virtually unanimous support. The comprehensive approach focuses…
Senator Scott Newman

Senator Newman responds to MnDOT commissioner’s funding comments

In a press release announcing 2019 road construction projects, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher said “without additional revenue … our roads and bridges will continue to deteriorate and our overall system and…
Senator Julie Rosen

Senate Republicans propose mental health solutions

Senate Republicans presented Senate File 1, a bill on Mental Health today. The legislation designates $25 million in grant money to make mental health more easily accessible and more affordable for those who need it, like farmers, new moms,…