Sen. Justin Eichorn

Senator Justin Eichorn secures funding Bemidji Veterans Home

The Bemidji Veterans Home might be one day closer to realization thanks to funding included in Senate Republican Bonding proposal released on May 9. The proposal authorizes $12.4 million in state funding match federal dollars…
Jasinski daudt gazelka

Jasinski: Highway 14 fully funded in Senate bonding bill

The expansion of Highway 14 between Owatonna and Dodge Center could finally be completed thanks to funding in the Senate Republican bonding proposal, released May 9. The proposal authorizes $174.6 million for the expansion, enough…

Sen. Pratt, MN Senate pass bipartisan Met Council reform

Bipartisan legislation chief-authored by Senator Eric Pratt to dramatically reform the Metropolitan Council passed the Minnesota Senate on Monday, May 7. Importantly, the bill would change the composition of the board’s membership, making all members…
Senator Karin Housley

Senator Housley applauds passage of child care legislation

Legislation aimed at addressing the problem of inadequate, expensive child care passed the Minnesota Senate on Monday. The bills, which passed with bipartisan support, encourage existing child care providers to stay in business and lower…
Sen. Carla Nelson

Sen. Nelson, MN Senate approve tax conformity bill

Bill protects 99.8% of Minnesotans and cuts taxes for 82% of families Senator Carla Nelson and the Minnesota Senate passed a comprehensive tax conformity bill to align Minnesota’s state tax code with the new federal…

Sen. Koran, MN Senate approve tax conformity bill

Protects 99.9% of Minnesota families from tax increase, cuts taxes for 82% of families, and lowers bottom income tax rate Senator Mark Koran and the Minnesota Senate passed a comprehensive federal tax conformity bill that…