Senator Bill Weber

Senator Weber previews the 2019 legislative session

The elections are over and the new legislative session is almost upon us. When legislators convene in Saint Paul on January 8, we’ll get to work right away on the myriad of important issues that…

New laws effective January 1, 2019

The following select laws were passed during the 2018 legislative session and take effect on January 1, 2019. ‘Certified’ reinsurers join the state’s risk-sharing groups Minnesota will recognize a new class of reinsurance organizations deemed…
Senator Scott Newman

Senator Newman comments on transportation commissioner nomination

On Tuesday, Governor-elect Tim Walz nominated Margaret Anderson Kelliher to serve as commissioner of transportation. Senator Scott Newman (R-Hutchinson), chair of the Senate Transportation Finance and Policy Committee, issued the following statement: “Congratulations to Margaret…
Senator John Jasinski

Jasinski: Protecting veterans from scammers

Identity theft is a hot issue right now, but even with better tools to track and combat hacking and phishing, scammers are still finding quite a bit of success. Veterans are particularly susceptible to these…
Senator Jerry Relph (R-St. Cloud)

Senator Relph announces grant application deadline extension

Senator Jerry Relph (R-St. Cloud) announced an extension of the deadline to apply for the Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Urban Agriculture Grant Program from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Applications for the program,…
Senator Rich Draheim

Sen. Draheim holding Legislative Solutions Town Halls

Seeks public input on legislative priorities Senator Rich Draheim  will hold two town hall listening sessions at the Belle Plaine and Elko-New Market Libraries on December 18th, prior to the start of the 2019 Minnesota…
Senator Jeff Howe

Jeff Howe sworn in as Minnesota’s newest state senator

On Tuesday, Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) was officially sworn in to the Minnesota Senate. Senator Howe, who was elected in a November special election for the seat formerly held by Lieutenant Governor Michelle Fischbach, represents…
Senator Bill Weber

Senator Weber comments on $1.5 billion budget surplus

Last week, the office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its annual November budget forecast. The forecast, which details the state’s finances, projected a surplus of $1.544 billion for the upcoming two-year budget cycle – the largest budget surplus…