Senator Weber receives CGMC Legislator of Distinction Award

State Sen. Bill Weber was recognized by the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC) July 26 during the Coalition’s three-day summer conference in Mankato for his positive impact on economic development in Greater Minnesota. Senator…

Jasinski receives CGMC Legislator of Distinction Award

State Sen. John Jasinski was recognized by the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC) July 26 during the Coalition’s three-day summer conference in Mankato for his positive impact on economic development in Greater Minnesota. Sen.…
Sen. Bruce Anderson of Buffalo

Several new laws take effect August 1

Neighbors, Two bills I authored to help veterans, as well as a slate of other new laws, will take effect on August 1. The new laws strengthen consumer protections, improve public safety, address our child…
Sen. Jerry Relph of St. Cloud

Nitrogen rule meeting in St. Cloud Wednesday

Neighbors, I have heard from a lot of farmers and land owners worried about the possible consequences of the Department of Agriculture’s proposed nitrogen rule. This Wednesday, July 25, you will have an opportunity to…

Draheim statement on Eric Kaler resignation announcement

Senator Rich Draheim, Vice Chairman of the Senate Higher Education Committee, released the following statement about University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler’s decision to resign July 1, 2019. “I want to thank President Kaler for…

Goggin: State taking care of critical infrastructure

State taking care of critical infrastructure by: Senator Mike Goggin In my June column, I discussed Gov. Mark Dayton’s end-of-session vetoes and how disappointing it was that he was unwilling to work with the legislature…

Sen. David Osmek Statement on Line 3 Pipeline Approval

Today, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) made a commonsense decision in unanimously approving the “certificate of need” for the replacement of the Line 3 pipeline in Northern Minnesota. The current 1960s-era pipeline is decaying…