The Real State of the State

The Republican State of the State

As Republicans, we are naturally inclined to be optimists and see the good in people, families and our communities – so in our view the state of the state is strong. The question is whether…

DFL Senate Campaign Committee Paying State Capitol Press Corps

Senate Republican Leader demands disclosure of improper relationship between DFL and press (St. Paul, MN…) Senate Republican Leader David Hann today demanded Majority Leader Tom Bakk come clean about the paid relationship between a credentialed…
Budget Surplus

Week in Review: March 7, 2014

Greetings from the Capitol in St. Paul! We are already running full steam ahead here at the Capitol for our second week of session. Though our session is short this time around, there is no…
accountability from Gov. Mark Dayton

Audit Reveals Secret Payments to David Lillehaug

Senator Osmek Calls for accountability from Gov. Mark Dayton (St. Paul, MN…) Senator David Osmek (R-Mound) sent a letter to Governor Mark Dayton today demanding an explanation as to why he did not reveal to…