Miller introduces income tax reciprocity bill

Senator Jeremy Miller (R-Winona) introduced Senate File 538, a bill instructing the Minnesota Department of Revenue to work with the Wisconsin Revenue Department to look at entering into a new income tax reciprocity agreement. “Income…

Mathews’ Sherco bill passes committee

Legislation for the Sherco Power plant in Sherburne County cleared a major hurdle on Thursday, following its passage out of the Minnesota Senate Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy Committee. The bill, Senate File 85,…

Senators versus Gridlockers… Play Ball!

By Senator Scott Jensen Many folks view a legislative session as a battle between Republicans and Democrats. I want to rethink that depiction. Instead, I choose to use a metaphor – a baseball game with…
Sen. Andrew Lang

Lang works to pass $35 million in rural loan funding

Newly-elected Sen. Andrew Lang (R-Olivia) had a key piece of legislation heard before the Senate Capital Investment Committee on Tuesday, passing with bipartisan support. The bill, Senate File 236, appropriates $35 million in bond proceeds…

Senators versus Gridlockers… A Healthcare Homerun!

Score from the 1st Inning: Senators 0, Gridlockers 0 SECOND INNING The second inning began with the scoreboard scrolling the news that the House of Representatives had passed their own version of a healthcare bill which would meet up…
Minnesota Senate Republicans - Health Care Emergency Aid and Access

Health care premium relief, reform bill heads to governor’s desk

Today, Senate Republicans passed the 2017 Emergency Health Care Aid and Access Act with bipartisan support, winning the votes of two thirds of the Senate. The bill represents a compromise with Governor Dayton, who accepted several Republican…

Draheim takes aim at Palmer amaranth with first bill

New State Senator Rich Draheim (R-Madison Lake) has used his first bill to address a major concern of Minnesota farmers – the management of the devastating Palmer amaranth weed. Senate File 405 lays out mandatory…

Goggin bill aims to block zip rail construction

New State Senator Mike Goggin (R-Red Wing) honored his biggest campaign promise on Monday when he introduced Senate File 254, which would prevent construction of a controversial high-speed rail line from the Rochester to the…

Sen. Jasinski introduces bill to finish Highway 14 project

The Highway 14 expansion will take a significant step toward completion this session under a new bill authored by State Senator John Jasinski (R- Faribault). Sen. Jasinski today introduced Senate File 142 to fully fund…
Sen. David Osmek

Sen. Osmek reacts to Gov. Dayton’s bonding proposal

St. Paul – Last week, Governor Mark Dayton and Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith submitted their proposal for a $1.5 billion bonding bill, the largest public construction package in state history. The Governor and his administration…
Senator Jerry Relph

Relph applauds passage of premium relief, tax conformity

Less than ten days after the opening of the legislative session, the Minnesota State Senate voted Thursday to pass its first two pieces of legislation, both with bipartisan support. “In my first votes for bill…
Senator Gary Dahms

Commerce Committee begins work for the 2017 session

The Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy Committee, chaired by Sen. Gary Dahms (R-Redwood Falls), met on Tuesday for its inaugural meeting. The Committee’s first order of business included hearing Senate File 1,…

Senate Republican staff announcements

Senate Republicans are pleased to announce new staff roles in leadership, research, communications, and committee administration. The combination of talent and experience on our team, and a persistent commitment to getting things done for Minnesotans, will lead the…