Protecting Minnesota’s most vulnerable

Dear Friend and Neighbor, My colleagues and I are fighting to protect Minnesota’s seniors, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable neighbors. 27 GOP legislators recently sent a letter to federal leaders urging them to be thoughtful about…

A Budget That Shifts Costs to Our Counties

A Budget That Shifts Costs to Our Counties By Senator Paul Utke As I’m sure most have heard already, last month Governor Walz released his budget and bonding proposals. I covered this in a previous…

Fed Up With the Fraud

Fed Up With the Fraud By Senator Steve Green Fraud is out of control in Minnesota. It seems like every week there’s something new. We’ve had fraud in Feeding Our Future, Medicaid programs, housing programs,…

Addressing Fraud Failure in Minnesota

Addressing Fraud Failure in Minnesota By Senator Nathan Wesenberg Minnesota government has been ridden with fraud for far too long. It’s made national headlines and frankly, our state has become a national embarrassment. Governor Walz…

Mathews bill will support data center development in Minnesota

ST. PAUL, Minn.– Amid the growing need for off-grid energy solutions for data centers, Republican Senator Andrew Mathews (Princeton) recently introduced a bipartisan bill to support the development of data centers in the state of…

The Importance of Tackling Fraud Before It Begins

The Importance of Tackling Fraud Before It Begins By Senator Jason Rarick Fraud has been pervasive in Minnesota for far too long. I’ve previously discussed at length the constant waste, fraud, and abuse that has…