Senator Gary Dahms

Senator Dahms responds to budget forecast and $17.5 billion surplus

 Minnesota’s Department of Management and Budget (MMB) today released its February revenue forecast, providing information and an outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report shows the surplus holding steady at $17.5 billion with inflation accounting…
Rob Farnsworth

Farnsworth statement on budget forecast and surplus

ST. PAUL, MN –  Today Minnesota Management and Budget Commissioner Jim Showalter announced the state’s surplus held about steady at $17.5 billion expected to be left over. That includes a new measure to include inflation,…

Senator Miller responds to massive budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and an outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $17.5 billion for the next…

Senator Lucero responds to $17.5 billion budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and an outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $17.5 billion for the next…

Senator Koran responds to $17.5 billion budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and an outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $17.5 billion for the next…

Senator Gruenhagen responds to $17.5 billion budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and an outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $17.5 billion for the next…

Senator Eichorn responds to $17.5 billion budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and an outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $17.5 billion for the next…