
Combatting the Democrats’ Extreme Agenda

Earlier this month, the Minnesota Legislature convened for its 93rd Legislative session. Senators were sworn in to represent their districts, Senate rules were decided, and committees began convening. I am honored to have once again been…

Senators Hoffman and Abeler address caregiver crisis

In response to the crisis facing Minnesota’s long-term and disability care industry, Senator John Hoffman (DFL-Champlin) and Senator Jim Abeler (R-Anoka) have introduced the landmark Caregiver Stabilization Act (SF 7) to increase wages and strengthen…

Dornink: Democrats continue to fast-track controversial policies

Friends and neighbors, The first several weeks of session have been busy, with many pieces of legislation moving through committee and extensive debate being conducted on the Senate floor. And a significant, early session accomplishment…

Pushing the Social Agenda

As we continue into Session, Senate Democrats are continuing the trend of pushing tone deaf social agenda items. Their focus has been the legalization of all abortion with no limits or safeguards, a widely overreaching…

Gruenhagen: Anti-life bills in the Senate

Friends –  Of all the dangers posed by complete Democrat control of government, the danger to babies must rank right at the top. The new session is only a few days old, but they are…

Senator Torrey Westrom sworn in for 2023-2024 legislative session

On Tuesday, Jan. 3, Senator Torrey Westrom (R-Alexandria) took the oath of office and was officially sworn in for the 2023-2024 legislative session. Senator Westrom proudly represents Senate District 12, which includes communities in Big Stone,…

Sen. Rarick: Another week of Session in the Books

As we head into the third week of Session, we’ve already hit the ground running. We’ve passed two bipartisan bills: one that focuses on tax conformity and providing $100 million in tax cuts to Minnesotans,…

Howe, Senate approve $100 million in tax relief

Yesterday the Senate passed a tax bill that provides more than $100 million in tax relief for Minnesotans, and brings Minnesota in line with recent federal tax changes. Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) issued the following statement:“It was…