Senator Bruce Anderson’s News from the Capitol – December 9, 2022

Friends and neighbors,  Minnesota’s Budget Surplus Tops $17.6 Billion This week, the office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its November revenue forecast. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the state’s outlook for the next budget…

Senator Howe statement on state’s record $17.6 billion surplus

Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) today released the following statement on the state’s record $17.6 billion surplus:“This unprecedented surplus makes clear what we’ve suspected all along—Minnesotans have been over-taxed for more than a decade and it’s…

Senator Pratt statement on state’s record $17.6 billion surplus

Senator Eric Pratt (R-Prior Lake) today released the following statement in response to the state’s record $17.6 billion surplus: “This surplus is a clear reflection that Minnesota families and business have been over-taxed for years and…

Senator Utke statement on state’s record $17.6 billion surplus

Senator Paul Utke (R-Park Rapids) today released the following statement on the state’s record $17.6 billion surplus:“This surplus is a clear indicator of the continued over-taxation that Minnesotans have been subjected to year after year.…

Senator Housley statement on state’s record $17.6 billion surplus

Senator Karin Housley (R-Stillwater) today released the following statement in response to the state’s record $17.6 billion surplus: “Today’s news of a $17.6 billion surplus is staggering—this is clear evidence of the constant over-taxation that Minnesota…

Senator Eichorn Statement on Massive State Budget Surplus

Grand Rapids, MN –  On Tuesday, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its November 2022 Forecast projecting a massive $17.6 billion dollar surplus. Senator Justin Eichorn (R-Grand Rapids) released the following statement:  “This budget surplus is…

Senator Westrom Statement on Massive State Budget Surplus

On Tuesday, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its November 2022 Forecast projecting a massive $17.6 billion dollar surplus. Senator Torrey Westrom (R-Alexandria) released the following statement:  “Minnesotans are overtaxed,” Westrom said. “This mindbogglingly massive…

Senator Mark Koran: Surplus Shows Minnesotans Are Overtaxed

(St. Paul, MN) The office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its annual November economic forecast on Tuesday. The report, which details the state’s budget picture, projected a record-setting surplus of $17.6 billion. “Minnesota’s surplus continues…