A note from Senator Paul Anderson

It is a tremendous honor to represent the communities of Plymouth, Minnetonka, and Woodland, in the Minnesota State Senate. My focus at the Capitol is to get things done for the people of Senate District 44 – and I’m proud to say by working across the aisle, we passed a balanced, bipartisan budget that puts families first and funds the priorities of Minnesotans.

From the first middle-income tax cut in nearly two decades, to the largest investment in public education in state history, this budget will move our state forward. Further, we passed measures to lower the cost of health care and prescription drugs, passed landmark protections for our elderly, and invested $6 billion for roads and bridges – all without raising any new taxes. And as the Chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee, representing over 400,000 students in public and private institutions across our state, we fought to make college more affordable, more accessible, and more accountable.

However, we have more work to do to make sure Minnesota has better education, better health care, better jobs, and better government. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, concerns and feedback with me over the past three years. Whether we agree or disagree on the issues, your input continues to make me a better senator, allowing me to best represent the greatest communities in the State of Minnesota.


Paul Anderson is working for you

  • Chief-authored funding for services to help victims of sex trafficking & exploited youth
  • Chief-authored funding for suicide prevention & crisis counseling
  • Chief-authored sales & use tax exemption for construction of new Minnetonka Fire Station
  • Chief-authored bill to alleviate unnecessary burdens on teachers, put the focus back on students, & save school districts money in the process
  • Chief-authored state grant program to help low-income students afford college
  • Chief-authored bill to expand workforce development scholarships to address workforce shortages in high demand industries
  • Chief-authored reforms to make college more affordable & cap tuition increases
  • Chief-authored bipartisan Youth Skills Training Program to shrink skills gap & prepare high schoolers for economy of tomorrow
  • Chief-authored Angel Investment Tax Credit to increase investment in innovation & Minnesota tech startups

Tax relief

Reduced taxes on small business property owners and reduced taxes on Social Security benefits

Health care

Renewed successful program to lower health insurance premiums and expand options, increased transparency in health care, and worked to lower prescription drug costs

Elder care

Implemented landmark elder care protections and secured critical funding for nursing homes after devastating cuts had been proposed

Tax cuts

Enacted the first middle-class income tax cut in nearly 20 years while preventing $12 billion total in new tax increases

Roads & bridges

Preserved $6 billion to fix Minnesota’s roads & bridges without raising the gas tax or adding a metro-wide sales tax increase


Largest K-12 education investment in state history & increased funding for school safety

Opioid response

Passed critical funding to combat the opioid epidemic

Mental health

Increased funding for mental health services

Distracted driving

Passed hands-free driving legislation to ban cellphone usage while operating a vehicle


Modernized & secured Minnesota’s election systems

State Senator Paul Anderson

Proudly representing District 44
Plymouth, Minnetonka, and Woodland

Minnesota Senate Building Room 2103
95 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, MN 55155

Office: (651) 296-9261
E-mail: sen.paul.anderson@senate.mn