Protecting Minnesota’s most vulnerable

Dear Friend and Neighbor,

My colleagues and I are fighting to protect Minnesota’s seniors, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable neighbors. 27 GOP legislators recently sent a letter to federal leaders urging them to be thoughtful about Medicaid changes—because simply cutting the budget will not take away our responsibility to care for those who need it most.

Our letter reads in part:

As Republican leaders in Minnesota, we have been partners for designing a state Health and Human Services (HHS) system that meets the needs of our great state.   

Just to emphasize what you already know, Medicaid includes services and care for the seniors and those with disabilities, not just health care for the poor. Additionally, nearly 50% of all Medicaid enrollees are children. Given some of the large numbers coming out of Washington, we are concerned that there is no practical way to accommodate some of the proposed massive reductions and still provide the kind of care these vulnerable people require.  

Drastic reductions to Medicaid funding have the potential to impact the 1.4 million people we serve and place incredible pressure on our overall state budget. There are no other sources to make up the lost federal share beyond severely impacting the seniors and those with disabilities who we serve. This is contrary to how we Republicans respect the aged and the vulnerable.  

Minnesota has led the way in delivering efficient, quality care, and we need the flexibility to keep doing what works. In 2011, our state proved we could make responsible reforms without jeopardizing critical services. We can do it again. However, deep, unworkable cuts are not the answer.

Governor Walz’s budget for human services has strong bipartisan opposition and risks burdening local communities with higher taxes and reduced services independent of whatever will happen in Washington. We need to focus on collaborative, bipartisan solutions that protect both taxpayers and the people who rely on Medicaid. We are urging both St. Paul and Washington to be responsible, realistic, and fair. Minnesota’s most vulnerable deserve nothing less.

