Rasmusson moves to expel Mitchell, Senate Democrats block effort with procedural vote

On Monday, Jan. 27, Senate Republicans brought a motion to expel Senator Nicole Mitchell (DFL-Woodbury) from the legislative body. Senator Rasmusson (R-Fergus Falls) offered the motion, but it failed on a procedural vote in which every Democrat voted to rule it out of order and protect Mitchell.

“Senator Mitchell’s conduct fails to meet the ethical standards we expect from senators,” Rasmusson said. “We should not allow her to use her position to shield herself from criminal consequences. Senate Rule 56.1mandates that members adhere to the highest ethical standards. Felony burglary and terrorizing an elderly family member are severe violations of those standards.”

Mitchell was arrested at her stepmother’s home in Detroit Lakes last spring and later charged with first-degree felony burglary. Her trial was scheduled to begin this week, on January 27, but she requested a delay until the 2025 legislative session adjourns.

Last year, the motion to expel Mitchell failed on a party-line vote. Mitchell retained her voting privileges on the floor and cast the deciding vote on nearly every piece of legislation during the 2024 session. After the 2024 session was concluded, Governor Tim Walz, DFL Party Chair Ken Martin, and four Senate Democrats publicly said that Mitchell should resign.

The Senate is currently tied, 33 Republicans to 33 Democrats, but Senate leaders recently struck a power-sharing agreement that would not be impacted should either side fall to 32 members.