Restoring Trust and Accountability in Minnesota Government 

In recent years, the lack of accountability in our state government has left a lot to be desired for many Minnesotans. Nearly $1 billion in waste, fraud, and abuse has been uncovered in a variety of taxpayer-funded programs, and the residents of our state are seeking real, substantive changes to address the many inefficiencies that exist. It’s far past time legislative leaders find common ground to deliver necessary solutions without pointing fingers. 

When taxpayer funds are lost to waste, fraud, and abuse, it erodes trust in our government and undermines public confidence in programs designed to assist vulnerable populations who depend on these services. As Minnesotans, we care for our neighbors, and we expect every dollar to have stringent oversight to be sure the money will end up in the hands of those who need it most.  

It is incumbent upon us, as legislators, to implement strong oversight and fraud reduction measures. We have solutions in front of us, including increasing transparency and reporting measures within state agencies, requiring fraud risk assessments, and strengthening whistleblower protections to empower employees to speak out when they see issues arise. Additionally, proposals are making their way through the legislature to establish a statewide Office of Inspector General – an independent entity responsible for auditing, investigating, and evaluating potential misuse of taxpayer funds. All these measures are necessary to safeguard public funds entrusted to the state and ensure every dollar is delivered where it was assigned.  

Enhancing accountability and transparency at all levels of government will serve every Minnesotan well, and the residents of our state deserve leaders who will govern responsibly and fix this issue expeditiously. 

Senator Zach Duckworth 

District 57