A note from Senator Julie Rosen

I’m proud to say that after years and years of work, the opioid crisis response bill that I have worked so hard on finally became law. There were a lot of successes this legislative session – including historic funding for schools, the first middle class income tax cut in almost twenty years, and billions more for transportation – but the opioid bill is far and away the highlight. It took years of work, cooperation, debate, and relationship building, but the result is an incredible victory for Minnesota families and communities. We still have a lot more work to do, but I am confident it will save hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lives.

If you have any questions or comments about an issue that came up this year, please don’t hesitate to let me know. And if you see me around town, please don’t hesitate to say hello! It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your voice in the Minnesota Senate!

My bills that became law

  • Created a new Opiate Response account to combat Minnesota’s opioid crisis
  • Delivered long overdue assistance to help Rapidan out of an unfair situation with FEMA
  • Added critical new resources for individuals facing mental health crisis, including shelter-linked mental health, school- linked mental health, and telemedicine support
  • Approved funding for the Green Giant museum in Blue Earth

Tax cuts

Approved the first middle-class income tax cut in nearly 20 years & cut property taxes for farmers and mom-and-pop businesses


Made historic investments in K-12 schools

Roads & bridges

Protected $8 billion for transportation


Scrapped failed MNLARS program and replaced it with private- sector designed software

Nursing homes

Secured funding for nursing homes

Stopping Fraud

Implemented strict new rules and oversight measures to stop child care assistance fraud and restore integrity to the program

New 20-cent per gallon gas tax increase

$12 billion in new taxes, including payroll taxes

Single payer, government- run health care

Extreme new anti-gun proposals

Tab fees and auto sales taxes

Cruel funding cuts to nursing homes

State Senator Julie Rosen

Proudly representing District 23

Minnesota Senate Building Room 2113
95 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, MN 55155

Office: (651) 296-5713
E-mail: sen.julie.rosen@senate.mn