Friends and Neighbors,
This week, Minnesota’s Frontline Worker Pay program opened. This bonus pay is to thank those Minnesotans who worked on the frontlines during the pandemic. These workers took exceptional risks to keep us safe during the Covid pandemic, especially before we had a handle on the virus. This bonus pay is just a small token of our deep gratitude.

The application will be open June 8 through July 22, 2022. Eligible workers will have 45 days to apply for Frontline Worker Pay. The application will be open for 45 days and the funds are not first come, first served. The money set aside for this program will be split equally among all approved applicants afterthe 45-day application period, the 15-day appeals period and the appeals review period.
Job sectors include building services, including maintenance, janitorial and security; child care; courts and corrections; emergency responders; food service, including production, processing, preparation, sale and delivery; ground and air transportation services; health care; long-term care and home care; manufacturing; public health, social service and regulatory service; public transit; retail, including sales, fulfillment, distribution and delivery; schools, including charter schools, state schools and higher education; temporary shelters and hotels; and vocational rehabilitation.
Details of the program, including the eligibility, work requirements, application process, and timeline, can be found at
Call for Border-to-Border Broadband Applications
The Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program funds the expansion of broadband service to areas of Minnesota that are unserved or underserved. The program has historically been funded with state general fund revenues. In the 2022 legislative session, $25 million in general revenue funds have been allocated to the Border-to-Border grant program for FY23. Additionally, in the 2021 Special Session, the legislature directed that for FY22 and FY23, the grant program would be funded at $70 million and with federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Sec. 604 Capital Projects Funds (CPF).
With the $25 million in state general revenue funding and the $70 million in Capital Projects Funds, DEED opened the application window for the FY2022/23 grant round on June 2, 2022. A maximum of $95 million will be available for grants this round. Applications are due by 4:00 p.m. on August 4, 2022.
To learn more about eligibility and the application process, click here. (Link:
Loans and Grants for Eligible Farmers
Disaster Recovery Loans
On May 31, the Rural Finance Authority Board determined that an emergency exists in parts of Minnesota due to recent severe weather. This determination opens access to the Disaster Recovery Loan Program, which makes zero-interest loans available for Minnesota farmers whose operations may be suffering from damage caused by storms. Loan funds can be used to help clean up, repair, or replace farm structures and replace livestock needing repair/replacement due to heavy rains and high winds in May 2022.
This emergency covers Fairbault and Jackson counties among others. To learn more about eligibility, participating lenders, and loan terms, visit the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Disaster Recovery Loan Program. (Link:
Drought Relief Grants
Minnesota livestock farmers and specialty crop producers who incurred expenses due to last year’s drought can apply for up to $7,500 per farm in reimbursement through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) 2021 Agricultural Drought Relief Program (ADRoP) when it opens in mid-June.
HF 3420, the agriculture, drought relief, and broadband omnibus, was signed into law as 2022 Session Law Chapter 95. Article 3, section 2 of that bill provides $8.1 million in drought relief grants to livestock and specialty crop farmers in all Minnesota counties except Goodhue, Rice, Wabasha, and Winona.
While the application window is not yet open, we know the application window will be open for approximately 10-12 business days in mid-June and farmers will be eligible for up to $7,500 in documented drought-related expenses. Sign up to receive updates on this program here. (Link:
Free Parks Day on Saturday, June 11
On four days in 2022, all 75 Minnesota state parks and state recreation areas will offer free admission to everyone. Mark your calendar for these upcoming fee-free dates: June 11 and November 25.
Minnesota state parks are open year-round, and there’s a state park within 30 miles of most Minnesotans. With a free day in each season, it’s a great opportunity to get out there and explore someplace new – or visit an old favorite at a new time of year! Whether you stay for the whole weekend or just spend a few hours outside, you’ll make memories that will last a lifetime.