Ruud champions “Minnesota Elections Integrity Act”

Today Senator Carrie Ruud (R-Breezy Point) introduced a bill that would ensure fair and secure elections in Minnesota. SF-3398 would require a photo ID to vote, would establish provisional ballots, and would prohibit certain methods of compensation related to absentee voting.

Language in the bill requires proof of identification for voting and same-day registration. Forms of ID allowed are a driver’s license, a United States military identification card, a passport, a tribal-issued ID card, a free voter ID card, or proof of receipt for a new valid driver’s license. Individuals unable to provide valid proof of identity or residence would be able to cast a provisional ballot, affording the voter a period in which they could obtain valid identification. Same-day voter registration would remain intact. Not a single legal voter would be disenfranchised by Voter ID requirements.

“Our voting process has been widely criticized for its lack of security, and this is one of the top issues I’ve heard about from my constituents—it’s time to prioritize fair and secure elections,” said Ruud. “Voting ID requirements and provisional ballots will restore confidence in our voting system. All ballots should be treated equally and verified in the same way. With another election on the horizon, it’s time to ensure election integrity.”

The Minnesota Senate previously passed legislation that would require Minnesotans to present valid photo identification for in-person, absentee, and mail-in voting. The companion bill was not heard in the House.

The bill was referred to the Senate State Government committee.