Ruud’s legislation that improves snowmobile safety signed into law

Yesterday the Governor signed into law key legislation that improves snowmobile safety. Authored by Senator Carrie Ruud (R-Breezy Point), this bill increases penalties and fines given to snowmobile operators that knowingly leave marked trails to trespass on private property. Last month, the bill was passed with bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate.

Minnesota is currently home to over 22,000 miles of groomed snowmobiles trails, with over 21,000 of those miles maintained by local snowmobile club volunteers, contributing to a $1 billion industry that drives tourism throughout the state. There are currently approximately 220,000 registered snowmobiles in Minnesota.

“It has been a point of frustration that some snowmobilers have ignored trail signage to leave marked trails. These bad apples travel off-trail and often enter onto private property or fields that can be easily damaged. To deal with this, snowmobile clubs and landowners have worked together to maintain trails and educate snowmobile operators. This bill will add increased penalties as a deterrent meant to encourage snowmobile operators to stay on marked trails, and I’m glad the Governor acted quickly in signing it into law,” said Ruud.