On Monday, four protesters were
arrested for attempting to
close pipeline valves for Enbridge’s Line 3 and Line 4 pipelines which stretch across north-central
Minnesota. The activists broke into a facility in southeast Grand Rapids and were able to find the shut-off valves for three
pipelines, but Enbridge was able to
remotely shut the pipeline down before the protesters took any dangerous action.
This is not the first instance where
protesters have attempted to disrupt pipelines in Minnesota. Back in 2016 three
protestors were arrested for attempting
to shut down Enbridge pipelines in
Northwestern Minnesota.
Sen. Justin Eichorn (R-Grand Rapids) issued the following statement in response:
“The actions taken by these protesters were both reckless and dangerous and threatened the public safety of the residents of northern Minnesota,” said Sen. Eichorn. “Their attempt to shut down the pipeline is hypocritical, going against their notion that they stand for the environment when in reality their action threatens to cause billions of dollars of environmental damage.”
Last session,
lawmakers in the Senate and the House approved a
measure aimed at discouraging these dangerously illegal acts of
protest. The law would have extended civil and criminal liability to any groups or
organizations that recruit, trains, aids, or conspires with individuals who
criminally trespass or damage Minnesota’s critical infrastructure such as
airports, railroads, utilities, or oil or gas pipelines. Unfortunately, that bill was ultimately
vetoed by Governor Dayton.
Senator Eichorn has been a long supporter of the Enbridge Line 3
Replacement Project that would replace
the current 1,031 miles of pipeline with the newest, safest, and most advanced
pipeline technology while bringing jobs
and significant investments to northern Minnesota.