Sen. Miller legislative update: a rescue package for long-term care facilities in crisis

Greetings from the Capitol,This week, besides dealing with a winter storm and cold temperatures, Senate Republicans put forth two important packages: a long-term care rescue package, and a permanent, ongoing tax relief package. 

Long-Term Care Rescue Package, ensuring continued services during crisis

The Senate introduced a $322 million rescue package to address the staffing crisis facing long-term care centers, group homes, and home and direct care providers.  

As a result of Covid and its after-effects, many of these facilities continue to face stress as staffing shortages have ravaged the industry. This package of bills will help retain current workers, recruit new workers, and reduce regulatory burdens.  

Key components in this plan include: 

  • Retention Bonuses of up to $1,000 for workers in eligible facilities  
  • Hiring Bonuses up to $1,500 for up to 20,000 new staff – half of the bonus will be distributed upon initial hiring, with the other half following 6 months on the job 
  • Training Funds up to $1,500 for up to 20,000 new staff 
  • Continuation of Emergency Staffing Pool funding as training programs are used to expand the pool of qualified workers 
  • Temporary Permitting and License Changes allowing previously licensed nurses to temporarily practice in facilities 
  • Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Program Streamlining 
  • Move Up of Date for Advance Disability Waiver Rate Setting Change to allow programs to work together in an effective way that saves taxpayer dollars without compromising the quality of care

Permanent tax relief package

As you have probably heard, the state has a massive projected budget surplus of $7.7 billion. A surplus this large means one thing – government took too much money from the taxpayers and it’s time to give it back. And not with a one-time check that barely scratches the surface of inflation. We are proposing permanent, ongoing tax relief so Minnesotans get to keep more of their hard-earned dollars every single paycheck – week after week, month after month, year after year. Lowering income taxes and eliminating social security taxes will benefit every taxpayer immediately and for the long-term. Whether its skyrocketing gas prices and heating bills or higher food costs, inflation is eating away at family budgets. We can and we must do something to help get more money in the pockets of Minnesotans. This would be the largest tax relief package in our state’s history.

Catch the full Press conference here:

Contact me

As always, your feedback is extremely important to me, and I encourage you to share your input on the issues being discussed here at the Capitol. If you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas, please send me an email at or call my Capitol office at 651-296-5649. It’s a great honor to serve as your State Senator.


