Senate Republicans Call for End to Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood
Minnesotans do not support trafficking body parts of aborted babies
Senate Republican leaders announced today they will introduce legislation to halt all state funding of Planned Parenthood in light of new revelations that the abortion provider is involved in trafficking body parts recovered from aborted babies. According to their 2013 annual report, Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota received more than $5 million through federal, state and local grants, representing 10% of their total budget. Republican legislators also plan to revive legislation calling for annual inspections of abortion clinics in Minnesota, similar to the inspections given to other healthcare clinics.
Click to watch the undercover video
Planned Parenthood has come under fire after an undercover video revealed Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, detailing how they perform abortions in a manner that keeps the baby’s heart, lungs and liver intact. Nucatola also discussed how much people and organizations would pay for the harvested organs.
“All Minnesotans should be appalled by this gruesome practice, no matter where they stand on the legality of abortion,” said Sen. Michelle Benson (R-Ham Lake). “The federal government will have to determine if any laws have been broken, but the least we can do in Minnesota is stop funding this organization in the state budget. Surely we can find grant recipients in Minnesota that do not participate in the trafficking of human body parts from aborted babies.”
Senate Republicans also renewed efforts to pass legislation to mandate regular inspections of abortion clinics in Minnesota. The legislation passed the Senate and House in 2012 but was vetoed by Gov. Mark Dayton. Dayton’s chief of staff at the time was his current Lt. Governor Tina Smith, who previously worked on the senior management team of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota as Vice President for External Affairs. Planned Parenthood’s political action committee supported the Dayton/Smith ticket in the 2014 election with independent expenditures.
“Medical clinics providing this type of intrusive procedure should be subject to regular inspections by the state – it’s not only common sense, it’s important for the health and safety of women,” added Senator Roger Chamberlain (R-Lino Lakes). “In light of this new video, Minnesotans need to know these atrocities are not happening in our state.”
Sen. Chamberlain noted it is already against federal and state law to buy or sell human organs (Minnesota Statute 145.422).