Dear Neighbors and Friends,
As we find ourselves in these trying times, I am writing to update you on the recent developments in response to the Coronavirus from the Capitol.

If you need any assistance please do not hesitate to reach out to my office. In this time while Governor Walz’s “Stay at Home” order is in place, the most efficient way to reach me is via email. Please do not hesitate to write me at Sen.Jim.Abeler@senate.MN, also if you email also include (cc or directly) my Legislative Assistant Tom Brennan, he can be reached at Our phone lines are still open, but working out of office all calls are being forwarded; we can be reached at 651 296 3733 or 651 296 4847.

Last week, along with our counter parts in the House, we passed a significant piece of bi-partisan legislation meant to address the Covid-19, or “Coronavirus” crisis.
The biggest component of this legislation was appropriating $331 million dollars to help fight the virus in Minnesota. This will be a dedicated fund that Governor Walz will be able to utilize in helping combat the global pandemic. Currently the state has allocated more than $500 million to help childcare providers, college students, small businesses, veterans, homeless shelters and food shelves.

On March 17th Governor Walz issued what was supposed to be a 10-day executive order affecting bars, restaurants, and other small businesses not deemed essential. In the first week alone, our state saw more than 75,000 new filings for unemployment insurance. With the extension of this order and his new stay at home directive the state has now seen more than 200,000 cumulative requests for unemployment insurance.

I believe we can limit the damage to our economy and small businesses during this time, while still fighting the Covid19 enemy. Shutting down all “non-essential” businesses, even those that are small and can follow social-distancing guidelines is going to seriously impact our communities.
The standard should be “safe” versus “non-safe.” A family or small business shouldn’t have to worry about losing their home or livelihood simply because they failed to make it onto an arbitrary list.
Everyone has been impacted differently during this time. We are doing all we can to make sure every Minnesotan is taken care of while we work through this together.
-For more information on the “Stay at Home” executive order, please click the following link:
-Please click the following link to view all other executive orders:
-Please see the following links If you are wondering what businesses will still be operating (critical industries still in place – search by code or keyword):…/ass…/naics-critical-list_tcm1045-424829.pdf
-If your business is not considered “essential” under the Governor’s order, you can make an appeal:
-If you are wondering about unemployment please follow this link:
One of the biggest issues facing families at this moment is uncertainty regarding childcare. This was one of my primary areas of concern when supporting this legislation, and I’m happy to say that $29.9 million was appropriated yesterday for emergency grants to childcare providers who are willing to prioritize space for the children of essential workers. The offered amount has a base up to $4500 monthly but does leave room for more assistance depending on certain circumstances. Please note the following information as grants will start being available 4/1/20. :// or (888) 291-9811.
Other helpful links:
-Cancellations/Closures of DHS related services:
-State Council on Disability – COVID-19 Resources and Information as it relates to persons with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)
-Insurance options for Minnesotans:

Last week, the Congressional House helped finalize passage of a $2 trillion stimulus package. Details are still being released, but the President is poised to sign this into law. In the coming weeks this bill will send out benefits to individuals of $1,200 to those making $75,000 or less, along with a sliding scale payment for those making up to $99,000. For families there will be a payment of $2400 for those making under $150,000, along with $500 per child up to the age of 17. Couples making more than $198,000 will not qualify.
On top of payments for individuals, there was also $500 billion allocated to business loans, along with some supplemental funding for unemployment insurance of $600 weekly per person up to 4 months, this did include funding for those self-employed or independent contractors.
For a brief summary:
Jim Abeler |