Senator Draheim’s August Column

As we look back on the 2021 session, a highlight for me and our community is the agriculture budget. Farming is the economic engine of the state and the district, and this agriculture budget bill focused on helping current farmers, engaging new ones, and spurring innovation. The pandemic exposed the shortcomings in our agriculture system, including problems with the availability of meat processors and extensive strain on farmers both financially and with mental health. This legislation helps fix those shortcomings.

The Beginning Farmer Tax Credit is aimed at helping beginning farmers in Minnesota buy or lease land, equipment, machinery, and livestock. It is available to anyone looking to start farming or who began farming within the past decade. The future of our agricultural economy demands a strong focus on helping new and emerging farmers.

Farmers and ranchers seeking to start up, modernize, or expand their meat, poultry, egg, and milk processing businesses may qualify for newly available Livestock Processing Grants. I am happy to have been a co-author on this legislation in the Senate. Increasing the number of processors increases the resilience of our food supply. Last year, stores sometimes ran out of products like milk, eggs, or meat. When they were available, they were often at a higher price – making it even harder for families to afford necessities. Meanwhile, many farmers were taking losses because their products were not making it into stores. Making critical investments in meat processors which will help provide more jobs, improve our processing efficiency, and provide more purchasing options for consumers. 

The support in the agriculture bill extended far beyond the field. There is a mental health crisis in farming, driven by the high risk and strain to keeping a farm running. I was co-author to legislation appropriating $100,000 for mental health outreach and support to farmers and others in the agricultural community, including a 24-hour hotline, stigma reduction, and educational offerings. Farming is the core of the American economy and we know there is more to do to support farmers across the state. 

Further, I helped with legislation that promotes job growth and innovation by providing money for assistance to agriculture-related businesses to promote jobs and innovation through the GreenSeam program. From seed to market, the agriculture bill invests in entrepreneurs, future leaders, and a resilient supply chain to benefit everyone.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted the importance of expanding internet access in our rural Minnesota communities. We increased broadband access for underserved and unserved areas of Minnesota by investing $70 million to help close those gaps. I am very pleased with the steps we have taken to help our farmers and rural communities and look forward to progress we will continue to make. It is my honor to serve you.