Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) today released the following statement in support of the Minnesota State Patrol after the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board voted to remove them from their headquarters:
“I’m utterly appalled that the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board voted to kick State Patrol out of their headquarters. State Patrol members have leased the headquarters without incident since 2012. The officers have consistently worked with Park Police to help the community—they’ve worked together on traffic safety training, eliminating traffic fatalities through the state’s Toward Zero Deaths initiative, and have even helped with the annual Safety Camp for kids. This comes a week after our Minnesota National Guard members were jeered and taunted out of a union hall. These actions are unacceptable and those that keep us safe should not be degraded by the communities they’ve sworn to protect and serve. This move is nothing but a political ploy that hurts Officers that have served the community, and it is absolutely horrible. These actions are unacceptable.”