Senator Julia Coleman Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

The state’s leading small business organization, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) yesterday presented Senator Julia Coleman (R-Waconia) with the prestigious Guardian of Small Business Award.  

“Now more than ever, Main Street needs strong advocates in the Minnesota Legislature, and they have one in Senator Julia Coleman,” said John Reynolds, NFIB Minnesota State Director. “Coleman stood up for small businesses and brought solutions that would make Minnesota a better place to do business and raise a family.” 

“Our small business owners in Minnesota inspire me,” Senator Julia Coleman said. “Their tireless efforts and resiliency drive our economy and support our local communities. I will continue my commitment to advocate for policies that encourage their growth and investment in our state.” 

Coleman earned the NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award with a 90% score on the NFIB Minnesota Voting Record for 2023-24.

“Coleman supported legislation to make our tax code simpler and fairer for small businesses, opposed expensive unfunded mandates, and backed commonsense solutions that would make life a little easier on Main Street,” added Reynolds. 

The Guardian of Small Business Award is reserved for lawmakers who consistently side with Main Street on priority issues for small business owners. Small business priorities are determined by NFIB members under the one member, one vote policy. Lawmakers are informed of NFIB’s position ahead of each key vote. 

Minnesota lawmakers who sided with small business 80% or more of the time during the 2023-24 sessions are eligible for the NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award.