Senator Kiffmeyer: Legislative Update

Friends and neighbors, 

As many of you know, the end of the Legislative Session is upon us. While this is a very busy time with lots of moving parts, I remain committed to doing what is right for you and the people of District 30. There are many issues that are facing us legislators here at the Capitol and it is our job to find common ground through the state budget. 

With Governor Walz’s emergency powers, we have been under his rule for over a year. On Thursday last week, Walz announced another “dial turn” for restrictions on Minnesota life that is neither enough of a change nor fast enough. With vaccines being administered at a rapid pace with wide availability throughout the state, there is no reason for this one-man rule to continue. The emergency part of the pandemic is over, and Minnesotans deserve to come back and fully recover from the tumultuous year they have had. 

As we have seen you all tightening the belts of your budget to make ends meet and survive the everchanging pandemic, and even though there is a massive surplus with enough money to fund the state, Walz thinks you have still not paid enough. The proposed tax increases would place the burden on Minnesotans who have lost their jobs, families who can’t afford childcare, and all the other regular people who have done everything they can to make it through these unprecedented times. 

While Senate Republicans have prioritized COVID recovery and no new tax increases by conforming to federal guidelines when it comes to important lifelines like the PPP loans and unemployment, the House is using that as a bargaining chip for Walz’s plan. This is not how the Legislature is meant to work. We have over two hundred elected officials ready to stand up for those we represent but Walz is holding our state hostage until we pass his radically partisan agenda. 

With Governor Walz holding onto his powers with such a strong grip, the hands of your locally elected legislators are rather tied. After voting eight times to end his powers and passing legislation to change the way these powers work, only Walz and his close friends on the Executive Council have the power to end his reign. I encourage you to reach out to his office specifically to tell him to let go of his powers. Without hearing from the passionate people that I know make up our district, he may never relent. Contact Governor Walz at 651-201-3400. 

I am dedicated to fighting for your needs here at the Capitol in any way I can. I encourage you to reach out to my office with any legislative questions, comments, or concerns. My email is or you can reach me by phone at 651-296-5655. 

