Sen. Eric Lucero (R-Saint Michael) was one of eight members appointed to the Legislative Commission on Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy, which met on October 26 for the first time in 2023.
“As one with a deep commitment to the Constitution and individual liberty, I’m a firm believer in protecting digital privacy against data harvesting, data retention, data mining, and profile building,” Sen. Lucero said. “Government seeks to collect increasing amounts of information on citizens which is a direct threat to our freedoms and our Republic. I firmly believe individuals own their data and controls absolutely must be established to empower people to be the ultimate decision-makers over digital information pertaining to themselves and their activities.”
The commission is charged with research and analysis of emerging issues relating to government data practices, security, and privacy of personal data as well as making recommendations on legislative proposals impacting personal data privacy rights, data security, and other related issues.
“There are those in government seeking capabilities to track the movements, spending habits, and other lawful activities of citizens. Such capabilities erode privacy and create a chilling effect on civil rights,” Lucero said. “Among the digital privacy topics I intend to focus on this term as a member of the commission include ensuring controls for AI and facial recognition technology by government.”