Senator Mary Kiffmeyer Update from the Capitol

Friends and neighbors, 

During the “off-season” of the legislature, I am lucky enough to spend more time in the district with family, friends, and community members such as yourself. One thing I am always thrilled to see is the many ways our community comes together in support of each other. In good and bad times, there is always someone nearby to lean on. 

Supporting Veterans in our Community

Minnesota is a truly incredible state in the way that we look out for each other. The Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Program brings together community, county, and company resources for service members, veterans, and their families. In order to fill the gaps in services to these brave Minnesotans and their families, the organization works with state and federal support partners to meet the unique needs of each individual. This is an extremely comprehensive program, with support through youth and school services, career support, and family resources. Its mission is to provide an effective, professional, and organized community ready to support and assist others. The Yellow Ribbon Program will be hosting informational events on Monday, October 18, and Monday, December 20, 2021, at the Big Lake Chamber of Commerce (160 Lake St N, Big Lake).  

Big Lake is hosting several events in the upcoming months for Minnesota veterans and those who wish to support them. This Saturday, October 9, the Big Lake American Legion is hosting a free dinner at Lion’s Park for Veterans, Active Military, and one guest. This is a completely free event to build connections and strengthen our community. More information can be found on the American Legion Post 147 and Big Lake American Legion Auxiliary Unit 247. The Yellow Ribbon will be hosting informational events on Monday, October 18, and Monday, December 20, 2021, at the Big Lake Chamber of Commerce.  

Crime on the Rise

As we have seen in the last year, crime throughout our state has skyrocketed resulting in the most violent two-year period in a generation. In our area, we assume we are safe from the horror stories of stray bullets, carjackings, and flippant violence; but eventually, we could begin to feel the ripples in our hometown if things continue this way. 

Fortunately, cries for defunding the police or eradicating them completely are beginning to be drowned out by common sense thinkers understanding that there are those amongst us who would hurt or steal. The law enforcement officers stand between those who would harm us and ourselves and we need to support their work on our behalf.  Thankfully I see many examples of good community relations in our police and sheriff’s departments. 

Building stronger communities through productive opportunities for youth and developing close relationships with neighbors and law enforcement is necessary to begin to heal from this violence. We all deserve to feel safe in our homes and on our streets and for that, we must work together. 

Line 3 Pipeline: Finished!

We take safety seriously in Minnesota, which is why we worked hard for seven years to update the aging infrastructure on the Line 3 Pipeline. The pipeline is essential to life in the Midwest and I’m pleased to see the hard work of Minnesotans paying off.

Minnesotans rely on energy suppliers not only for our cold winters and extreme summers but for our health and safety. Line 3 has followed all of the environmental safety standards to update seriously outdated infrastructure. Modern improvements such as drones and sensors monitoring desolate areas will fix many problems, keeping the pipeline running strong and safely for years to come.

I am honored to be the voice of District 30 and represent you here at the Capitol. I would encourage you to reach out regarding any legislative issue now or in the future. I can be reached by email at Sen.Mary.Kiffmeyer@Senate.MN or please call me at 651-296-5655. 

