Friends and neighbors,
Voter ID
Election integrity is an issue everyone should support. This past week, Senate Republicans passed a Voter ID bill that is widely supported by Minnesotans and Americans alike, with studies showing 69-75% supporting the issue. This bill would require Minnesotans to use a valid photo identification for in-person, absentee, and mail-in voting. If a voter is lacking proper identification or cannot afford it, a new voter identification card will be provided free of charge. This will guarantee that not a single legal voter is disenfranchised while giving individuals without proper ID several ways to prove their eligibility. Every Minnesotan deserves to feel confident in their vote and that is exactly what this bill does.
Conference Committees
As we near the end of session, Conference Committees have commenced. A Conference Committees, is when the senate and the house bring their two versions of a bill together, negotiate, and end up with one joint bill. This session I have the honor of serving on two committees, the first of which being the Judiciary Conference Committee. My priority on this committee will be ensuring public safety and supporting police. Democrats may push to “defund the police” or advance other radical measures, however, myself and my republican colleagues on the committee will not stand for this sort of legislation. In a year when violent crime has risen exponentially, we cannot let emotions dictate legislation.
The Becker Gas Plant is a public good and should stay operational for the foreseeable future. Aside from providing many local jobs, the plant ensures there is clean, reliable, and cheap energy. It supports our local community, including public schools and services. This is an important sector of not only our district’s life, but rural life as well. This plant is good for our community and I will work hard to ensure that it stays open. The House is trying to repeal the gas plant in Conference Committee, and I’ll make sure they don’t succeed.
Passing a Budget
Passing a budget is one of the key roles of a state legislator. At the state capital, both sides of the aisle in both bodies must come together for the good of the state. One thing I will not give up on, nor will my Republican colleagues, is passing a strong budget without raising taxes. While republicans are focused on funding our needs without placing the burden on the average taxpayer, Democrats are fighting hard to increase taxes. We have a budget surplus, and most Minnesotans are still struggling to recover from the pandemic, raising taxes now would be unconscionable.
My commitment to you as your state senator is to ensure each attempt to raise taxes is immediately shut down. We can fund our state without asking you to dig deeper into your own pockets. After more than a year of one-man-rule in St. Paul, I am hopeful we will balance the budget for the next two years and prioritize the safety and security of Minnesotans, all without raising taxes.
I am at the Capitol, dedicated to fighting for your needs in any way I can. I encourage you to reach out to my office with any questions, comments or concerns you may have. Send me an email at Sen.Andrew.Mathews@Senate.MN or call me at 651-296-8075.