Senator Rarick legislative update: Veterans Day, hunting opener, and more!

Hello Neighbor,

On Veterans Day, we pay tribute to the men and women of America’s Armed Forces who have demonstrated their willingness to put country before self; patriots who serve for the greater good and don’t seek glory or recognition or personal gain. On Nov. 11, our nation honors the contributions of the nearly 22 million veterans living today and all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of liberty and justice.

Veterans Day is not for veterans alone, it’s a day for all Americans to be a part of, because every citizen has a role to play in carrying the legacy and burden of freedom.

To all the veterans in Minnesota and across our great nation, thank you.Thank you for your dedication, for your selflessness and your courage.


Meeting with local Pine County leaders

I really enjoyed the opportunity to meet with Commissioners and leaders from Pine County. Our discussions included a presentation by U of M Extension officials and focused on the struggles farmers are having in our county and the need to pass the USMCA Trade Agreement. I was joined by Rep. Nathan Nelson and Jack Friebe from Rep. Pete Stauber’s office to learn more about farming issues in the county.


Hunting season is here!

Archery season has been going on for over a month and statewide firearm deer hunting opens on November 9th. There are a few rule changes that you should be aware of before you head in the fields or woods. The Minnesota DNR has released its2019 regulations handbook and hunting licenses are on sale now both online and in person. Be safe!


Honored to receive Grocers Award

I am honored to receive a Minnesota Grocer’s Association Hero of the Food Industry Award. I will continue to advocate for consumers, main street Minnesota businesses and all Minnesotans. A special thank you to Craig Thorvig at Chris’ Food Center in Sandstone for giving me a tour and hosting the award presentation.

ImageJamie Pfuhl, President, Minnesota Grocers Association; Senator Jason Rarick: Craig Thorvig, owner, Chris’ Food Center; Mike Karbo, VP Government Affairs, Minnesota Grocers Association

Additional funding for safe schools and disaster relief

Three contingent appropriations were fulfilled that were included in end of session negotiations.

$20 million for the Disaster Assistance Contingency Account
$13 million for Metro Mobility (Metropolitan Council)
$30 million for Safe Schools Supplemental Aid

These provisions were in the special session budget bills that became law.  The appropriations listed above were contingent on more money than expected being in the General Fund at the conclusion of fiscal year 2019.  Now that the books for the fiscal year are closed, Minnesota Management and Budget has certified that funds are available to make these appropriations.

With another summer of severe weather in some parts of the state, it’s important to top off the Disaster Account to pay the state’s share of declared disasters.  The school safety aid must be distributed to school districts or charter schools by June 30, 2020 and will be dispersed proportionally by student population of the school.

Stay in Touch

I’d like to remind residents that I am always available to answer your questions or concerns. Please email me anytime at or call my office in St. Paul at 651-296-1508.

Thank you for giving me the privilege of serving you in the Minnesota Senate!
