State Sen. Bill Weber was recognized by the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC) July 26 during the Coalition’s three-day summer conference in Mankato for his positive impact on economic development in Greater Minnesota.

Sen. Weber, a Republican from Luverne, is serving his second term in the Minnesota Senate. The Legislator of Distinction Award is given to legislators who played key roles in advancing CGMC’s policy during the preceding session.
As chair of the Ag, Rural Development & Housing Policy Committee, Sen. Weber is among the lawmakers leading the charge to find solutions to the growing child care shortage in Greater Minnesota. This spring, he devoted an entire committee session to learning more about the issue, including how it negatively impacts economic development in rural communities and exploring potential legislative solutions. He also successfully passed legislation aimed at reducing unnecessary regulations imposed on in-home child care providers.
“Trying to solve Greater Minnesota’s child care shortage is a daunting task, but Sen. Weber has really dug into trying to find solutions to this complicated issue,” said Dave Smiglewski, mayor of Granite Falls and president of the CGMC. “His thoughtful approach and attention to detail helped his peers in the Legislature better understand this issue and why it has such as major impact on economic development in rural areas. His work this session hopefully sets the stage for more action in the near future.”
CGMC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization representing 97 cities outside of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The Coalition educates legislators about issues important to Greater Minnesota.