Westrom: Let’s Shine Light on Fraud and Waste this Session

This week the Minnesota legislature reconvened for the start of the 2022 legislative session. Senator Torrey Westrom (R-Elbow Lake) was on the Senate floor and released the following statement:

“It’s good to be back at the Capitol fighting for my constituents,” Westrom said. “We have many important topics on the agenda including improving public safety, stopping executive overreach, and defending our constitutional rights. I am especially focused on giving Minnesotans their tax dollars back from our massive state surplus. It is critical we give you your money back especially in the wake of massive government waste.” 

There have been several notable examples of wasted taxpayer dollars including the $550 million costs overruns for the Southwest Light Rail transit project and the Feeding Our Futures Charity Fraud case exposed in recent weeks. Senator Westrom and other Republicans have long fought the Southwest Light Rail Project. The wasted dollars have amplified calls for legislators to give the state surplus back to taxpayers.

“We need a full audit and to stop all funding for Southwest Light Rail and Feeding Our Futures,” Westrom said. “We shouldn’t spend more tax dollars on failed government programs.”

The legislature will continue to be in session until adjournment on May 23rd